This project started out with a few primitive shapes, figuring out how to drag them around, and let them snap to points, and first attempt at panning the camera.I set up 2 Cinemachine cameras: 1 that pans when the mouse cursor is near the edges of the screen, and one that looks at the stove, when we’re not panning.I modeled a pan and a plate in ProBuilder, but moving more complex shapes and grouped objects turned out a little trickier than I anticipated. I fought a lot with physics during this project.I also wanted to be able to move stacks, which seemed easy to figure out… at first.I decided to play to my strengths, figure out the color scheme of the game, and model a ton of tasty assets. And get rid of that snapping. It wasn’t needed.I also made a few bigger objects, and started playing with the post-processing effects.When you have assembled your sandwich, you can serve it at the dinner table.As the old saying goes: Any sandwich served is cause for a celebration. My favorite will be grilled cheese forever. ?But you can make whatever you want. Even a face.